CITS3007 lab 9 (week 10) – Testing

This lab explores the role of testing in secure software development.

1. Code and tools

A header file you should use for the CITS3007 project is provided on the CITS3007 website, at

We will be using the Doxygen documentation tool. Install it in your VM with

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends doxygen graphviz

We will also make use of the Check unit testing framework. Install it with

$ sudo apt-get install check

2. Testing, documentation and APIs

The aim of testing is to identify and remove defects from a project – mistakes in the source code or configuration/data files that cause it to deviate from its prescribed behaviour.1 Vulnerabilities are a particular class of defects where the resulting failure compromises security goals for a system.

To be able to test a program, or part of it, we have to know what its intended behaviour is, or by definition we can’t test it. Documentation is therefore an important part of any software project. The documentation for a function or other piece of code tells us what it should do, and testing tries to find situations in which the code does something else.

A program specification defines the behaviour expected of an entire program, and can be used directly for testing that program. However, it doesn’t say anything about the behaviour of individual functions. Those are normally documented within the source file that contains them, and the documentation for all public-facing functions, macros and data structures forms the API (“Application Programming Interface”) for that file.2

2.1. Documenting an API

Typically, the specification documentation for functions is contained in documentation blocks: specially formatted comments or annotations which can be extracted and displayed by documentation tools. For example, if you look at the crypto.h header file, you will see functions have documentation blocks like this one:

/** Decrypt a given ciphertext using the Caesar cipher, using a specified key, where the
  * characters to decrypt fall within a given range (and all other characters are copied
  * over unchanged).
  * Calling `caesar_decrypt` with some key $n$ is exactly equivalent to calling
  * `caesar_encrypt` with the key $-n$.
  * \param range_low A character representing the lower bound of the character range to be
  *           encrypted
  * \param range_high A character representing the upper bound of the character range
  * \param key The encryption key
  * \param cipher_text A null-terminated string containing the ciphertext to be decrypted
  * \param plain_text A pointer to a buffer where the decrypted text will be stored. The
  *           buffer must be large enough to hold a C string of the same length as
  *           cipher_text (including the terminating null character).
  * \pre `cipher_text` must be a valid null-terminated C string
  * \pre `plain_text` must point to a buffer of identical length to `cipher_text`
  * \pre `range_high` must be strictly greater than `range_low`.
  * \pre `key` must fall within range from 0 to `(range_high - range_low)`, inclusive.
void caesar_decrypt(char range_low, char range_high, int key, const char * cipher_text, char * plain_text);

Documentation blocks normally have some way of formatting the documentation for easy reading, of documenting particular parts of a function (like parameters or the return value), and of referring to other, related functions. In this lab, we will use the Doxygen tool, which is expressly designed for extracting API documentation from C and C++ files. It uses Markdown conventions for formatting, and special tags (like \param, \return and \ref) to pick out particular portions of a function – these are described in the Doxygen tool’s documentation. You likely have encountered similar tools to Doxygen previously for other languages: Java uses the javadoc tool, Python projects typically use pydoc or sphinx, Rust uses rustdoc, and Haskell uses haddock.

Note that documentation blocks do not serve the same purpose as inline comments (comments contained within the body of a function). (In fact, in some languages, documentation blocks may not be comments at all. Python uses strings instead of comments, and Rust internally uses the #[doc] annotation.) Documentation blocks should always be included for any function that forms part of an API, so that other programmers know how to use that function, and documentation blocks can be as extensive as needed. If you are using a C library – say, the FLAC library, which allows you to encode, decode and manipulate audio files in the FLAC format – then your primary way of knowing what the functions in that library do is by referring to the API documentation. Not only do you not need to know what any inline comments say, but for commercial software libraries, you might not have any access to them or to the source code at all.3

In contrast to documentation blocks, inline comments are only for the use of programmers who need to fix or enhance existing functions, and typically should be used sparingly – excessive inline commenting makes code harder to read. In general, inline comments should not say what the code is doing – anyone who understands the programming language should be able to see that – but rather why it is doing it.

Inline commenting of your code

Do not over-comment your code. Excessive inline comments make your code harder to read, and will result in a lower mark for code clarity and style.

In general, you should assume that the person marking your code knows how to program in C, and does not need to have it explained to them.

2.2. Running doxygen

Change directory to your directory containing the crypto.h file, and run doxygen -g. It generates a file called Doxyfile, used to configure the exact contents and formatting of the API documentation for a project. To work well with a C project, a few changes are needed – you can download a Doxyfile with these changes in the code .zip file for this lab.

Download and extract the Doxyfile from that zip code, and run the command doxygen. The Doxygen tool will use the configuration contained in the Doxyfile configuration file to generate HTML documentation contained in the docs/html subdirectory.

Doxygen features

Doxygen has a number of features we will not use, but which are very useful for exploring the structure of large codebases. It can create UML-style diagrams of the classes or functions contained in the code, as well as showing graphically which functions or methods make use of others. You can read more about those features here.

If you’re unfamiliar with good practices for writing API documentation, take a look at

2.3. Writing your project code

The .zip file for this lab also contains a Makefile you may find useful for the project. A good way to start is to write a crypto.c file which initially, just contains empty “skeleton” definitions for the functions you need – it should also contain a line to #include "crypto.h". You should end up with something like this:

#include "crypto.h"

void caesar_encrypt(char range_low, char range_high, int key, const char * plain_text, char * cipher_text) {

void caesar_decrypt(char range_low, char range_high, int key, const char * cipher_text, char * plain_text) {


void vigenere_encrypt(char range_low, char range_high, const char *key,
                      const char *plain_text, char *cipher_text
) {


void vigenere_decrypt(char range_low, char range_high, const char * key, const char *
cipher_text, char * plain_text) {


int cli(int argc, char ** argv) {
  return 0;

Once you’ve started your crypto.c file, you can compile your skeleton code by cd-ing to your code directory and running make all. The output you see from make will be quite “noisy”, because our empty file implementations have a lot of unused parameters in them.

The following command filters out those unused parameter warnings and makes the output easier to follow:

$ make CFLAGS="-Wno-unused-parameter" clean all

Take a look at the Makefile. The CFLAGS variable specifies what arguments to supply to the compiler, and CC specifies what compiler to use. You can alter these in the Makefile itself, or from the command line as we did just now. By default, the Makfile compiles your project with no optimization, and no sanitizers. When testing your project, you’ll need to compile your code with a range of optimizations and sanitizers (as well as making use of the static analysers we have looked at).

2.4. Writing and running tests

Once a specification is available for a function (or even before then!), it’s possible to start writing tests for it. A test is meant to look at the behaviour of a system or function in response to some input, and make sure that it aligns with what we expect.

It can be useful to think of a test as being composed of three parts

  1. Arrange
  2. Act
  3. Assert

In C, we often also need to add a fourth part, “Cleanup”. Some languages have automatic memory and resource management – when open files or allocated memory are no longer in use, they are “garbage collected” – but C is not one of these. In C, it’s up to the programmer to ensure they dispose of resources after use (for instance by free()-ing allocated memory and closing open files).


means preparing whatever resources are required for our test. This could include initializing data structures needed, creating and populating files or database, or starting programs running (say, a webserver).


means invoking the behavior we want to test. In C, this will typically mean calling a function, which we call the function under test.


means to look at the resulting state of the system and see if it is what we expected. If a function returns a value, it might mean checking to make sure that value is the correct one. If the function instead writes data to a file or database, it might mean examining the file or database to see whether the changes made are the ones we expected. Sometimes asserting just requires comparing two values, but other times we might need to make a more thorough investigation.

In C, cleanup means to dispose of any used resources, and to make sure the test we’ve just run won’t interfere with the results of any future tests.

C is a particularly challenging language to write tests for, because a misbehaving function under test can overwrite the stack frame of the function that’s calling it, meaning we can no longer rely on the results of our test.

It’s a good idea, therefore, to enable any dynamic checks we can that will help us catch misbehaviour like this – for instance, by using the Google sanitizers or tools like Valgrind. Additionally, the Check unit-testing framework, which we use in this lab, by default uses the fork() system call to run tests in a separate address space from the test framework, which prevents the framework from being affected by any memory corruption that occurs.

If you run make test, the Makefile will

The use of checkmk isn’t necessary – we could write the tests by hand in C if we wanted – but it saves us having to write some repetitive boilerplate code.

Try running

$ make test

to see the Check framework in action. You should see that several tests were run, that one test (arithmetic_testcase:arithmetic_works) passed, and that the others failed.

Check can output results in multiple formats. You might find the output of the following command slightly more readable:

$ make check_crypto && CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME=- prove --verbose ./check_crypto

Here, make check_crypto builds our test-runner program. CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME=- tells it to output results using the “TAP” format for test results, and prove is a Perl program which formats those results and summarizes them (see man prove for details). Leaving off the “--verbose” flag to prove will result in just a summary being printed.

One of the tests contains an intentional failure – you can use it to see one of the Google sanitizers in action. It is just below the following code in the .ts file:

#tcase deliberately_bad_testcase

#test go_out_of_bounds

Try and adjust the Makefile so that your code is compiled and run with the UBSan and ASan sanitizers (look at previous labs for hints on how to do so). Then run make test again. The strlen() function in that test goes out of bounds due to an unterminated string, but the bad behaviour is detected by the AddressSanitizer. If the test doesn’t fail, that means you haven’t got the AddressSanitizer properly working – discuss with lab teaching staff how to do so.

It’s a good idea to enable the sanitizers while developing your project. If they detect a memory errors, you may need to debug your program using gdb. The output of AddressSanitizer includes a stack trace which reveals where the bug was detected. (Include the “-g” option to gcc for better information). If running

$ gdb -tui ./check_crypto

to track down what causes a bug, you probably will want to set the environment variable CK_FORK to “no”, like this:

$ CK_FORK=no gdb -tui ./check_crypto

This inhibits Check’s usual behaviour of forking off a separate process in which to run each test.

2.5. Project work

Although your project should be completed on your own, discussing with other students and the lab facilitators how you might test your code is completely fine, and encouraged. Besides the tests contained in the .ts file, what additional tests will you need? How will you ensure your test expectations are correct? (Hint: there are a number of websites that implement Caesar and Vigenere encryption – you can make use of them for devising your own tests.

  1. We use the terms “defect” and “failure” generally in line with their definitions in ISO/IEC/IEEE standard 24765(“Systems and software engineering – Vocabulary”). A failure is deviation of the behaviour of a system from its specification, and a defect is an error or fault in the static artifacts (software code, configuration or data files, or hardware) of a system which, if uncorrected, can give rise to a failure.↩︎

  2. In some languages, like Java and Rust, the implementations of datatypes, functions or methods are located in the same place as their specification. Individual items can usually be declared public or private.
       In other languages, like C and C++, the implementations are in a different file (the .c or .cpp) file to the specifications (which appear in a header file, with extension .h or .hpp).
       And some other languages yet are a sort of combination, like Ada and Haskell. In those languages, the implementation appears in the body of the file, and a specification near the top in a module or package “header”.
       Best practice in C is to document the public parts of a .c file in the header file, to keep the implementations in the .c file, and for everything that isn’t intended to be public to be made static (private).
       However, to keep things simple in this lab, we will put everything – public and private parts – into a single .c file.↩︎

  3. For an example of such a C library, see the Intel IPP multimedia library. Although the library is free for use, the source code is properietary and not available.↩︎