CITS3007 lab 7 (week 8) – Injection

0. Introduction

The aim of this lab is to expose you to how C programs interact with the process environment (a set of environment variables). We’ll see how we can invoke other programs with a specific environment, and how the variables defined in the environment can alter the behaviour of our programs (sometimes in unexpected ways).

1. Environment variables

Every process has access to a set of environment variables. In C, they are represented as the variable char **environ (see man 7 environ for additional details): this variable allows us to read, write, and and delete environment variables.

Let’s see how this pointer-to-pointer-to-char can be used to display the current values of environment variables. Save the following program as print_env.c, and compile it with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" print_env.o print_env.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern char **environ;

void printenv() {
  for(size_t i=0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) {
    printf("%s\n", environ[i]);

int main(void) {

The environ variables represents a “list” of char * C strings, and as the man page for the environ variable explains, the end of the list is indicated by a char * which is set to NULL.

Environment variables versus shell variables

We can manipulate environment variables interactively, if we are using a Unix shell or a programming language with an interactive top-level (such as Python).

In C or Python, we are unlikely to confuse environment variables with local variables from the language we’re working in. In C, environment variables are represented by the array of strings environ, and in Python, they’re represented by a “dictionary”-like structure, os.environ, which we can use as in the following example:

$ python3
Python 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> path = os.environ["PATH"]
>>> print(path)

C and Python’s ways of accessing the process environment are clearly very different to how we define and use local variables in those languages.

In Bash (and other Unix shells), however, there’s just a single syntax for assigning values to variables:

$ myvar=myval

and myvar could be a “Bash” variable (only accessible within our current shell session, and not passed to child processes), or it could be an environment variable (part of the process environment maintained by the kernel, which will be passed to child processes) – the same syntax is used for both. We can convert a normal variable into an environment variable using the built-in export command:

$ export somevar

and can turn an environment variable back into a normal variable with

$ export -n somevar

Bash keeps track of which variables are environment variables, and which are not.

Try the following:

$ myvar=myval
$ echo my var is $myvar
$ sh -c 'echo my var is $myvar'

Only the first echo command prints the expected contents of myvar. The second time around, we are spawning a new shell process, and within that process, the variable myvar has not been defined.

Let’s try again, this time marking myvar as an environment variable (so it will be inherited by child processes):

$ myvar=myval
$ echo my var is $myvar
$ export myvar
$ sh -c 'echo my var is $myvar'

This time, we should see the expected contents of myvar echoed twice. We can also define and export a variable in a single step:

$ export myvar=myval

Besides the builtin Bash “echo” command, the “declare” command can be useful for displaying variable contents as well. “declare -p myvar” means to display the definition of myvar (note that we do not put a dollar sign in front of myvar this time – “declare -p” needs the name of a variable, not its value).

$ declare -p myvar
declare -x myvar="myval"

1.3. Environment variables and fork

Save the following program as child_env.c, and compile it with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" child_env.o child_env.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

extern char **environ;

void printenv() {
  for(size_t i=0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) {
    printf("%s\n", environ[i]);

int main() {
  pid_t childPid;

  switch(childPid = fork()) {
    case 0:  // child process
    default:   // parent process

Once fork has been called, the code detects whether it is running in the child process (the result of fork() was 0) or the parent (the result of fork() id the process ID of the child process – see man 2 fork). Currently, the parent’s environment is printed, using the printenv function. If you run ./child_env, you’ll see a large amount of output – so we’ll redirect it to a file:

$ ./child_env > parent_env.txt

Now comment out the parent call to printenv(), and uncomment the child’s, re-compile, and then run again:

$ ./child_env > child_env.txt

Do the two files, parent_env.txt and child_env.txt, differ in any way? How can we find out?

1.2. Environment variables and execve

Linux provides the execve() system call for invoking other programs (see man execve), plus a number of “convenience” functions which act as “wrapper” functions around the system call (see man execl for a list of them). They all operate by executing a specified executable in the current process, such that it replaces the currently running program (unlike fork, which spawns a new child process).

We’ve seen that the fork() system call results in child programs having a copy of their parent process’s environment. The execve() call, on the other hand, gives us precise control over what environment is available to the newly-executed program: we can pass no environment at all, a copy of the existing environment, or a totally “synthetic” environment we’ve created. We’ll write programs to try out each of those approaches.

First, we’ll write a program which uses execve() to invoke the printenv program. (You can read about the printenv command by running man printenv: by default, it simply prints out the contents of all environment variables, much as our print_env.c program above does – though it has extra functionality as well.)

Try running printenv from the command line, so you can verify what its output normally looks like.

Then save the following program as use_execve.c, and compile with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" use_execve.o use_execve:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

extern char **environ;

int main(void) {
  char *myargv[] = {

  execve("/usr/bin/printenv", myargv, NULL);

  return 0;

Read man 2 execve for details of the execve function (which we also looked at in lectures). The first argument is a program to run: when execve is called, this program “replaces” the one currently running. The second argument is a list of the arguments passed to the new program. It has the same purpose and structure as argv does in main of a C program, and is an array of strings, terminated by a NULL pointer; the first of these normally holds the name of the program being executed (though this is only a convention, and programs sometimes set argv[0] to other things). The last argument is to an array of strings representing the environment of the new program.


We have set the last argument to NULL – what do you predict the output of running the program will be? Run the program and see if it matches your expectations.

Now, replace the value of NULL which we passed to to execve with environ instead:

execve("/usr/bin/env", argv, environ);

What do you predict will be the output? Run the program and check – does it match your expectations?


How would you amend the program so as to pass exactly one, specified environment variable – say, the variable FOO, set to value BAR? (Ask your lab facilitator for some hints if you are stuck.)


If are invoking execve in a program where security is important, which of the previous approaches is the most appropriate? Which is the least appropriate? Why?

1.4. Environment variables and system

Save the following program as use_system.c, and compile with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" use_system.o use_system.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    printf("back in use_system");

    return 0;

You can read about the system function using man 3 system.


What do you predict will be the output? Should you see the output of printf?

1.5. setuid programs and system

Save the following program as run_cat.c, and compile with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" run_cat.o run_cat.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  const size_t BUF_SIZE = 1024;
  char buf[BUF_SIZE];
  buf[0] = '\0';

  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("supply a file to read\n");

  strcat(buf, "cat ");
  strcat(buf, argv[1]);

  return 0;

If we invoke this as ./run_cat SOMEFILE, we should be able to get the contents of the file using the cat command (see man 1 cat). Try running ./run_cat /etc/shadow – you should get a “permission denied” error, which we expect, because root owns /etc/shadow, and normal users do not have read access.

Now make run_cat a setuid program:

$ sudo chown root:root ./run_cat
$ sudo chmod u+s ./run_cat

Try running ./run_cat /etc/shadow again – what do you see, and why? Instead of cat, you can imagine that we might instead invoke some other command which normally only root can run, but which we want to let other users run.

You can find out where the cat command is that run_cat is executing by running

$ which cat

This will look through the directories in our PATH, and report the first one which contains an executable file called “cat”. Now we will manipulate the PATH environment variable so that run_cat instead of accessing the normal system cat command, executes a command of our choosing.

Create a file cat.c in the current directory, and edit with vim, adding the following contents, then compile with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" cat.o cat.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(void) {
  uid_t euid = geteuid();

  printf("DOING SOMETHING MALICIOUS, with effective user ID %d\n", euid);


$ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

and run run_cat again.

$ ./run_cat /etc/shadow

What do you see? Why? And how would you fix this?

2. Building libraries

Save the following code as mylib.c.

#include <stdio.h>

void useful_func(int s) {
  printf("Some very useful functionality\n");

We can build an object file mylib.o as follows:1

$ gcc -g -fPIC -c mylib.c

Now that our useful_func function has been compiled into object code, it can be used in other programs. There are a few options for doing so.

We could link the mylib.o object file directly into a new program – this is what we do when we build large, multi-file C programs. When given a set of object files, gcc will know it’s being asked to invoke the linker, and will combine multiple object files together (together with the builtin C standard library). When doing so, we invoke gcc like this:

$ gcc -o myprog obj1.o obj2.o ...

We could also build a library containing our new function, and make this available to other developers. There are two options for doing so: we can build a static library, or a shared (dynamic) library.

2.1. Static libraries

On Linux, a static library is a set of object files combined into a single “ar”-format “archive” file. You can think of it as being like a .zip or .tar file containing one or more “.o” files. The ar command builds archive files in this format. (You can look up man ar for more details, but they are not essential for our purposes.)

The following command will build a static library containing our object file, located in the directory static-libs:

$ mkdir -p static-libs
$ ar rcs ./static-libs/libmylib.a mylib.o

This produces the static library file libmylib.a. To use the static library in a program, we need to tell the linker to link against our library, and also where our library is located. gcc normally looks for libraries in default locations – in the standard CITS3007 development environment, one of these locations is the directory /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. If you list the contents of that directory, you find a number of static libraries – one for instance is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypt.a, part of the libxcrypt library.

To make our useful_func function easy to use by other developers, we would normally also provide them with appropriate header files, but in this case we will manually insert the declarations for useful_func.

Insert the following into a file usemylib.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void useful_func(int s);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  printf("\ncalling useful_func routine:\n");

We can compile it with gcc -c -g usemylib.c, and then link it against our static library. The -L option to gcc indicates a non standard directory where libraries can be found, and the -l option gives the name of a library to link. (gcc by default assumes it should add lib in front of this name and .a after, to get the filename to link against.)

$ gcc  usemylib.o  -L./static-libs -lmylib -o statically-linked-usemylib

Run the binary with ./statically-linked-usemylib. This executable contains a full copy of the useful_func() binary code from our mylib.o file.2

Static vs shared libraries

Users and developers tend to favour using statically linked libraries in executables. It makes the executable larger than if it used shared libraries (discussed in the next section), because a full copy of the library routines is copied into the executable; but on the other hand, it makes the executable more portable and self-contained, because there’s no need to to both download the executable, and install the shared libraries needed to run it.


The croc and age projects both provide statically linked executables for storing and transmitting files securely on multiple operating systems. (They are written using the Go language, which is especially suited to creating static executables.)

Binary executables for different platforms can be downloaded by going to the “Releases” link (on the right-hand side of the GitHub project page), then looking under “Assets” for a list of binary executables which can be directly downloaded and run on a user’s system. The executables are all statically linked, so no extra libraries are required to run them – any library routines the executable uses are already “baked in” to the executable.

On the CITS3007 SDE, we can see that the GDB binary executable, /usr/bin/gdb, on the other hand, makes use of many shared libraries: type ldd /usr/bin/gdb for a list of them. GDB is most conveniently installed using the system package manager, apt-get, which keeps track of what shared libraries each program requires and checks that they’re properly installed.

(If you download a binary for croc or age and try running ldd on it, what result do you see?)

System administrators, on the other hand, often tend to prefer it when executables use shared libraries. One reason is that multiple executables can all use the same shared library, taking up less disk space. But a more significant reason is that it’s easier to fix things if a vulnerability is found in the library.

If a new version of a shared library is installed which fixes a vulnerability, then all executables using that shared library get the benefit of using the new version (without needing to update the executables). On the other hand, if there are executables which are linked statically against the library, we must ensure each one has been updated “upstream” (i.e. by the developer of the executable) to incorporate the fixed library version, and download and install each executable.

2.2. Dynamic shared libraries

We can create a shared library with the following commands:

$ mkdir -p shared-libs
$ gcc -shared mylib.o -o shared-libs/

To link against this shared library, we invoke gcc as follows:

$ gcc usemylib.o -L./shared-libs -lmylib -o dynamically-linked-usemylib

Try running ./dynamically-linked-usemylib. You should see an error message like the following:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When an executable that makes use of shared libraries is run, a program called the dynamic linker is responsible for finding the necessary libraries3 and looking up the location of any requested functions in those libraries.4 In the present case, it doesn’t know where to find the file, so it reports an error.5

We could fix this by putting the .so file in a standard location (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/) where the dynamic linker can find it, or we can use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to specify the location.6 The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains a list of locations where the dynamic linker should look for shared libraries. Run the following:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./shared-libs ./dynamically-linked-usemylib

You should see that the executable runs without error, and calls the useful_func function in our shared library.

Now let’s imagine some adversary has created a version of the mylib library which contains malicious code.

Create the following file, evil_lib.c, and compile it with gcc -g -fPIC -c evil_lib.c.

#include <stdio.h>

void useful_func(int s) {
    // we could now run arbitrary code and cause damage.
    printf("Malicious things -- bwahaha!\n");

Build a library from it using the following commands:

$ mkdir -p evil-shared-libs
$ gcc -shared evil_lib.o -o evil-shared-libs/

And run our existing dynamically linked binary, but with a different LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./evil-shared-libs ./dynamically-linked-usemylib

What happens, and what are the security implications of this?

In principle, we could use this technique even to override functions in libc, the standard C library.7 But note that in the normal case, code will only be run with a user’s normal privileges. This is still a security issue (malicious libraries could, for instance, email copies of the user’s private files), but doesn’t give superuser access to a machine. However, what happens if the binary is a setuid executable?

2.2. LD_LIBRARY_PATH and setuid

Try making dynamically-linked-usemylib a root-owned setuid program, and then running it with a specified LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

$ sudo chown root:root ./dynamically-linked-usemylib
$ sudo chmod u+s ./dynamically-linked-usemylib
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./shared-libs ./dynamically-linked-usemylib

What do you observe?

Let’s find out why this occurs. Create the following program, print_ld_env.c, and compile it with make CFLAGS="-std=c11 -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion" print_ld_env.o print_ld_env:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

extern char **environ;

int main(void) {
  printf("some environment variables:\n");
  for (char **var = environ; *var != NULL; var++) {
    if (strncmp(*var, "LD", 2) == 0) {
      printf("var %s\n", *var);

Run it with several environment variables set:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./shared-libs LD_SOME_RANDOM_VAR=xxx ./print_ld_env

What do you see? What is the program doing?

Make the print_ld_env a setuid executable, and run it again:

$ sudo chown root:root ./print_ld_env
$ sudo chmod u+s ./print_ld_env
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./shared-libs LD_SOME_RANDOM_VAR=xxx ./print_ld_env

What do you observe? Why might this happen? (Hint: check the man 8 man page, and look under “secure-execution mode”.)

  1. The -fPIC flag requests the compiler to create “position independent code”, which can be moved around in memory and still work.↩︎

  2. We can confirm this by running several commands. objdump -d --source mylib.o will show us the compiled assembly code for the useful_func function. Running objdump -d --source static-libs/libmylib.a will confirm that it has been copied into static-libs/libmylib.a. And objdump -d --source statically-linked-usemylib will confirm that it’s been copied into the executable statically-linked-usemylib – look for the section headed “<useful_func>”, and you’ll see the original assembly code.↩︎

  3. The process is roughly as follows (see man 8 and “The ELF format - how programs look from the inside”). The kernel loads the executable into memory, and looks to see if it contains an INTERP directive, which specifies an interpreter to use. Statically linked binaries don’t need an interpreter. Dynamically linked programs use /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, which runs some initialization code, loads shared libraries needed by the binary, and performs relocations – adjusts the code of an executable so that it looks at the right addresses for any functions it needs.
      See for more information “How programs get run: ELF binaries”.
      An interesting side-effect of this setup is that you can use /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to run a binary even when it doesn’t have it’s “executable” permissions set. Remove the executable permissions from some binary mybinary with chmod a-rx mybinary, and you can still run it with the command:
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ./xxx


  4. The linked dynamically-linked-usemylib program contains what are called “relocations” – descriptions of functions that will need to be “filled in” when the executable is loaded into memory and shared libraries are linked. Running readelf --relocs ./dynamically-linked-usemylib will tell us what these are: we should be able to see an entry for printf and useful_func:
      Relocation section '.rela.plt' at offset 0x610 contains 2 entries:
        Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
      000000003fc8  000200000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 printf@GLIBC_2.2.5 + 0
      000000003fd0  000500000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 useful_func + 0

    The relocation tells the dynamic linker: “After the executable is loaded into memory, patch the address found at offset 000000003fd0 (the first column), and replace it with the address of symbol useful_func.”↩︎

  5. The ldd command can be used to find out what shared libraries are required by an executable. Run ldd dynamically-linked-usemylib, and you should get output like the following:
    $ ldd dynamically-linked-usemylib (0x00007ffe43a66000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f903fc18000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007f903fe1b000)

    This is telling us that one of the libraries this executable depends on,, cannot be found using the current search path.↩︎

  6. A third option is that we could make use of the API provided by the dynamic linker to programmatically load shared libraries and look up particular functions we want by name (using the functions dlopen and dlsym). Effectively, we are doing manually what the dynamic linker does automatically when an executable that uses shared libraries is run.
      This functionality is often used to make “plugins” for a program – modules which can be downloaded and installed to augment the program’s functionality. (For instance, a graphics editing program might use plugins to allow it so save images in a new format.) See “Dynamically Loaded (DL) Libraries” for more details.
      Making use of plugins comes with risks, however: a plugin can perform arbitrary actions at runtime, and it is very difficult to ensure in advance that those actions are “safe”.↩︎

  7. This can be used, for instance, to test performance of alternative implementations of those functions, without having to recompile our program. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD environment variables are both useful for this purpose. LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains a list of directories in which to search for libraries, but LD_PRELOAD contains a list of specific library files to be loaded before any other libraries are. The documentation for both is in man, and a blog post discussing their use for testing can be found here.↩︎