CITS3007 lab 4 (week 5) – setuid vulnerabilities

It’s recommended you complete this lab in pairs, if possible, and discuss your results with your partner. Any exercises you don’t complete during the lab, you should finish in your own time.

Any programs provided here are intended to be compiled in a Linux environment, so ensure you have your development environment from Lab 1 available.

1. setuid

Recall from last week’s lab that setuid (“set user identity”) is an important security mechanism on Unix operating systems, and that setuid programs execute with the privileges of the owner of the executable file rather than the privileges of the user executing the command.

We looked at how you can add setuid functionality to an executable file (using chmod u+s), and some best practices to keep in mind when writing setuid programs – the “Principle of Least Privilege” (POLP), and a number of guidelines from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University.

One of the SEI guidelines is an important part of secure programming, independent of its application to setuid programs: always check the return value of any C function that can fail. If you don’t check the return value from such a function, then it may not have done what you expected, putting your program into an unknown and potentially unsafe state.

Best practices and CITS3007 assessments

In lab 1, we suggested you maintain a set of lab notes, consisting of useful commands, best practices etc. that you come across in labs, so that you’ll be familiar with them for later assessments.

The above guideline (“always check the return value of any C function that can fail”) is an example of something you should probably record: for future assessments, we will simply assume that you are familiar with it.

You’ll remember best practices like these better if you try constructing your own example programs which do (or don’t) abide by them.

If you’re unsure whether some guideline or best practice applies when, for instance, completing the project, you can always post to the Help3007 forum and ask.

1.1 File permissions and the POLP

One aspect of the Unix access control system can come in handy when trying to apply the Principle of Least Privilege:

One you have obtained a descriptor (the more general term is “file handle”) to an open file on Unix systems, you can generally continue to read or write via that file descriptor regardless of what happens to the original file – the file may be renamed, have its permissions changed, or even be deleted, and it won’t affect your access to the file contents.

This is partly a side effect of the way filesystems work on Unix: on Unix systems, there’s a structure called an inode which you can think of as being an intermediary between a file path and the file content. The inode specifies things like the file owner and permissions, and “points to” a set of blocks on disk which is the file content. Multiple file paths can point to the same inode (they are called “hard links”); deleting a file path deletes its directory entry, but the inode still exists (as does the file content) as long as at least one directory name or open file-handle still points to that inode.

inodes in a Unix file system

Let’s demonstrate that this is the case.

  1. Compile the following program, keep_open.c:1 2

    // keep_open.c
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #define BUF_SIZE 1024
    char buf[BUF_SIZE];
    void fail(const char* mesg) {
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      if (argc != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "expected 1 arg, FILENAME\n");
      printf("opening file\n");
      int fd = open(argv[0], O_RDWR);
      if (fd == -1)
        fail("couldn't open file");
      printf("running 'tail'\n");
      system("tail -f /dev/null");
      // read up to a buffer's worth
      ssize_t read_res = read(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE);
      if (read_res == -1)
        fail("couldn't open file");
      printf("contents read: %s\n", buf);

    This program opens a file specified on the command line (line 28); it then keeps it open, and calls system() to run the command “tail --follow /dev/null”. This invocation of “tail” won’t exit until the tail process is killed – it tries to continually wait for new input (“--follow”) from a file that has nothing in it (“/dev/null”). (Using tail in this fashion is a common way of keeping a program running that would otherwise exit.)

  1. Create a file called “myfile” using the dd program:3

    echo hello world > myfile
    # append 1GB of zeros to the file - may take a minute to run
    dd status=progress oflag=append conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=myfile count=1024
  1. Check your current disk usage, using df -h ..

    You should see something like the following output (it may vary somewhat depending on what virtualisation software you’re using):

    $ df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/vda3       124G  5.4G  111G   5% /

    This tells us that the filesystem has a capacity of 124GB, and that 5.4GB worth of files already exist (1GB of which will be the file we just created).

  2. Run your compiled program:

    $ ./keep_open
    opening file
    running 'tail'

    The program should then “hang” – this is expected. Open a new terminal window and/or start a new SSH session to your VM in order to complete the next steps – ideally, keep an eye also on what is happening in the original terminal window.

  3. Change the ownership of myfile to root, and allow only root to read or write to it:

    $ sudo chown root:root myfile
    $ sudo chmod g-rwx,o-rwx myfile
    $ ls -al myfile
    -rw------- 1 root    root    2147483660 Aug 20 10:42 myfile

    And delete it:

    $ sudo rm myfile

    The file should now be completely inaccessible (outside of the use of disk forensic techniques) – once we ran chmod, no-one but root could read or write to it, and in any case the file is deleted.

    But if you check how much disk space is being used, you’ll see that despite deleting the file, disk usage hasn’t changed:

    $ df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/vda3       124G  5.4G  111G   5% /
  4. Now, we’ll kill the tail command that is running:

    $ pkill -f 'tail -f /dev/null'

    In the terminal where your keep_open program was running, you should now see the following:

    opening file
    running 'tail'
    contents read: hello world

    The program already had a “handle” to the inode where myfile’s metadata was stored, and had no difficulty reading a line from the file, despite the permissions having been changed and the file deleted.

    If we now check the disk space on our filesystem:

    $ df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/vda3       124G  4.4G  111G   4% /

    then we will see it has decreased by 1GB (from 5.4GB to 4.4GB, in the example above). Once the open file-handle was closed, the kernel discovered that the inode for the file was unused – no other programs had it open, and no directory entries “pointed” to it.

    Therefore, the inode was removed, and the disk blocks used by it were reclaimed.

Filesystem details

A basic familiarity with how filesystems are implemented is part of the assumed knowledge for this unit – you should already be familiar with the structure of filesystems and how file handles work from a unit like CITS2002 Systems Programming.

If you need to revise this, refer to your operating systems textbook. Where exactly filesystems are discussed will depend on the textbook, but by way of example, in Arpaci-Dusseau et al, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, the relevant portions are section 39, “Files and directories”, and section 40, “File system implementation”. (These sections also discuss some concepts relevant to access control systems, which we’ve looked at in lectures, and TOCTOU/concurrency bugs, which we will look at in future lectures.)

Consequences for software security

What are the consequences of all this for software security? Several things:

Permissions are only needed (and checked) at open time

We need appropriate permissions to open a file, but once it’s been opened, no permissions are needed to read or write to the open file via its file descriptor.

(In fact, the file descriptor acts as a sort of capability4 – we can actually pass it from program to program, and it carries with it the “rights” to read and write from the open file.5)

So for a setuid program: if the only reason we needed elevated privileges was to open a file for reading or writing, then once the file is open – we can drop the privileges.

Permission changes can’t be retrospective

Any changes you make to a file’s permissions will have no effect on programs that already have the file open (and if malicious programs already have the file open, they may have exfiltrated the data in it – sent it to an attacker-controlled system).

You can find out what programs have a file open using the lsof (“list open files”) program, but you can’t “retract” those programs’ permissions to use their open files – the best you can do is kill the process.

File paths are unreliable – do not trust them

The path to a file is not a very good way of identifying it reliably and uniquely over a period of time. The inode is usually the best representation of what we think of as “the file”, and a file descriptor gives us a “handle” to that inode.

If you need secure and reliable access to a file, then the usual Unix approach is to open the file once (giving you a file pointer or file descriptor that links to the file’s inode), and then to perform all actions (reading, writing, checking file permissions) on that file “handle”.

Unreliability of file paths

Consider the following scenario. You have a root-owned, setuid program – call it PDFizer – running as a server, which is intended to typeset and convert the contents of files to PDF when users send a request for it to do so – but only if that user would have had permissions to read the original file.

The PDFizer program needs to run as root, because otherwise it wouldn’t be able to access files owned by different users.

Suppose our PDFizer program receives a request from user bob, who wants to typeset the file /home/bob/myfile.txt.

And let us suppose our program implements the following logic:

PDFizer logic

when we receive a request from some user user to typeset a file a_file:

  1. Look at a_file and see whether the user has permission to read it – for instance, using the stat() function function (the information we’re after is in the st_mode struct member) or the access() function.
  2. If the user does have permission, then open() the file, convert it to PDF, and send the result to the user.

So in the case of Bob’s request:

  1. Look at /home/bob/myfile.txt and use stat or access to see whether user bob has permission to read it.
  2. If so, open() the file /home/bob/myfile.txt, convert it to PDF, and send the result to bob.

Before continuing, try to answer the following questions: What assumptions is the program logic for PDFizer making? And are those assumptions sensible ones?

(Hint: Have we seen any similar examples in lectures? Read the man page for access() – does it suggest any problems with the program logic to you?)

Click to expand answer


The PDFizer program assumes that the path /home/bob/myfile.txt represents the same file in both step (1) and step (2).

But in between steps one and two, Bob could have deleted /home/bob/myfile.txt and replaced it with a symbolic link to /etc/shadow (which contains users’ passwords). Since our PDFizer program is executing as root, it will have no difficulty executing step 2, opening a file which Bob should not have access to, and sending it to Bob as a PDF.

Therefore, the assumption that the file is the same is a bad assumption.

You cannot rely on a file path pointing to the same “file” at two different times. Read the recommendation of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) about this: “FIO01-C. Be careful using functions that use file names for identification”.

This sort of vulnerability is called a “TOCTOU” (“Time Of Check vs Time Of Use”) vulnerability – between steps (1) and (2) is a time window that attackers can take advantage of. (The attacker is also causing the PDFizer program to confuse a symbolic link with an older file with the same name – this is sometimes called a symlink attack.)

Instead of using the function stat() in step 1 (which takes as argument a file name), we should have opened the file first, obtaining a file descriptor, and then called fstat() (which takes as argument a file descriptor) to check the user’s permissions.

Tip: f-functions

If you’re about to use a Unix function which operates on a file path (e.g. stat(), chown(), chdir()), it is often worth checking whether there is an equivalent function that operates on a file descriptor (e.g. fstat(), fchown(), fchdir()) and is therefore safer.

Tip: man page notes

The man page for the access() function warns against using that function, and suggests an alternative – but the warning is right at the end of the man page, in the “Notes” section.

Always read to the end of a man page, to see if there are any warnings or deprecation notices for a function you are about to use.

Secure coding practices

In the project for CITS3007, it will be up to you to ensure you follow good secure coding practices – dropping privileges when appropriate, calling fstat() instead of stat(), and checking the return values of functions that can fail – and following these practices will comprise a fair proportion of your mark.

Static analysis programs and bug-finders may identify some of these problems (and it will be up to you to use them appropriately), but not all.

The best way to ensure you remember good secure coding practices while completing the project is to

  1. practice them beforehand – write code that does and doesn’t follow a particular secure coding practice
  2. take notes when you see a practice mentioned, and do a code review of your project code before submitting to make sure you followed them all.

Reviewing your own code

Ideally, a code review should be performed by someone other than the original developer. There is still benefit, however, to reviewing your own code. It’s a good idea to (1) wait a while between working on code and reviewing it, and (2) don’t review the code using the same display device your wrote it on. Instead, print it out, or try reading it from a tablet instead of a PC. Otherwise, there’s a strong tendency to “see what you expect to see” instead of what’s actually there.

1.2. Relinquishing privileges

In last week’s lab, we looked at strategies for applying the Principle of Least Privilege to setuid programs. We noted that once privileges have been used for whatever purpose they were needed, a program should relinquish them using the setuid() function (see man 2 setuid). We also saw that it’s easy to make mistakes when relinquishing privileges – the SEI’s web page on relinquishing permissions identifies some of the issues.

Save the following program as privileged.c and compile it.

// privileged.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
  int fd;

  // Assume that /etc/zzz is an important system file,
  // and it is owned by root with permission 0644.
  // Before running this program, you should create
  // the file /etc/zzz first.
  fd = open("/etc/zzz", O_RDWR | O_APPEND);
  if (fd == -1) {
     printf("Cannot open /etc/zzz\n");

  // Simulate the tasks conducted by the program

  // After the task, the root privileges are no longer needed,
  // it's time to relinquish the root privileges permanently.
  setuid(getuid());  // getuid() returns the real uid

  if (fork()) { // In the parent process
    close (fd);
  } else { // in the child process
    // perform unprivileged tasks

    // Now, assume that the child process is compromised, malicious
    // attackers have injected the following statements
    // into this process

    write (fd, "Malicious Data\n", 15);
    close (fd);

In the code above, we assume that the file /etc/zzz is some important system file, and that it needs to be protected from unauthorised tampering (i.e., breaches of integrity). Only root will have permissions to write to the file.

Our program, privileged, will be run by non-root users, but will be a setuid program, so that it can still amend /etc/zzz when needed. In line 17, it opens the file for reading and writing, and specifies that any write operations will append to the end of the file.

It then performs important tasks on the /etc/zzz (we simulate these by calling sleep(), at line 24).

Once those tasks are done, we relinquish privileges by calling setuid(), close the file, and spawn a child process to perform more unprivileged tasks (displaying to the end-user summaries of what has been done, perhaps).


Before even running the program – can you spot any security issues with the code?

(Hint: consider what has been said in lectures and the previous lab about setuid programs.)

Once your program is compiled, create the file /etc/zzz and restrict access to it using chown and chmod:

$ sudo touch /etc/zzz
$ sudo chown root:root /etc/zzz
$ sudo chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r /etc/zzz
# or chmod 0644 /etc/zzz would have the same effect

What permissions does /etc/zzz have once you’ve done this?

Run the privileged executable using your normal user account, and describe what you have observed. Will the file /etc/zzz be modified? Explain your observation.

Now give the privileged program setuid capabilities. Change the owner of the privileged executable to root, and enable the setuid bit:

$ sudo chown root:root ./privileged
$ sudo chmod u+s ./privileged

Run the program again – is /etc/zzz modified? Was that the program designer’s intent?

1.3. Discussion of code

When programs are run which use the setuid feature, there are multiple different sorts of “user ID” at play.

In the code above, paste the following at various spots in the program to see what the real and effective user ID are:

  uid_t spot1_ruid = getuid();
  uid_t spot1_euid = geteuid();
  printf("at spot1: ruid is: %d\n", spot1_ruid);
  printf("at spot1: euid is: %d\n", spot1_euid);

(Change spot1 to spot2, spot3 etc. in the other locations you paste the code.) Re-compile the program, give it appropriate permissions, and run it again – what do you observe? Why does this happen?

See if you can fix the issues with the program you identified earlier. (Hint: read the SEI pages, and look up what man 2 setuid says about return values from the function.) Once you’ve made your changes, compile and run the program again, and confirm that your changes prevent the vulnerability.

As an aside: it’s not uncommon for a program that needs special privileges to “split itself into two” using the fork system call. The parent process retains elevated privileges for as long as it needs, and sets up a communications channel with the child (for instance, using a pipe, a socket or shared memory – more on these later, when we look at inter-process communication). The parent process has very limited responsibilities, for instance, writing to a root-owned file as needed, say. The child process handles all other responsibilities (e.g. interacting with the user).

Temporarily dropping permissions – saved set-user-ID

The explanation of real and effective user ID given in this lab is a slightly simplified picture. It’s sufficient if you only need to change the effective user ID once, in order to permanently drop elevated permissions.

However, it’s also possible to drop permissions temporarily, and then get them back again. If you need to drop permissions temporarily, you can read about what the “saved set-user-ID” is, and what functions to call, in a paper by Chen et al entitled “Setuid demystified” (PDF, 2002). (It’s a short paper, and sections 1-3 and 5.2 should be the only ones you need to read.)

2. Further reading: Linux capabilities

Traditionally on Unix-like systems, running processes can be divided into two categories:

Privileged processes bypass any permission checks the kernel would normally apply (i.e., when checking whether the process has permission to open or write to a file), but unprivileged processes are subject to full permission checking.

This is a very coarse-grained, “all or nothing” division, though. Modern OSs may take a finer-grained approach, in which the ability to bypass particular permission checks is divided up into units, which Linux calls capabilities (this is just Linux’s term for them – they are not actually the same as “capabilities” in security theory). For example, the ability to bypass file permission checks when reading or writing a file could be one privilege; the ability to run a service on a port below 1024 might be another.

These have been implemented since version 2.2 of the Linux kernel (released in 1999). They are documented under man capabilities, and this article provides a good introduction to why capabilities exist and how they work.


What advantages can you see of a finer-grained permissions system over the traditional Unix approach? Are there any disadvantages?

3. Moodle exercises

On Moodle, under the section “Week 5 – sanitization” are some C programming exercises relating to environment sanitization. If you don’t get a chance to complete these during the lab, you should do so in your own time.

4. Credits

The code for the privileged.c program is adapted from and is copyright Wenliang Du, Syracuse University.

  1. From this point on, we will assume you know how to create a new directory to store files for a lab, how to create, compile and link a C program using GCC and/or GNU Make, and how to pass appropriate compilation flags to GCC.
    If you are unsure, refer back to the previous labs.↩︎

  2. This program does not validate its input, and makes use of the system() function – but it’s assumed you are the only person using the program, and can tolerate the risk.↩︎

  3. (See man dd for details of the dd command, which is used for copying file content. oflag=append tells dd to append the data it gets from /dev/zero to the output file, and conv=notrunc tells it not to truncate the output file when it calls open().↩︎

  4. A capability is some sort of token or handle that refers to an object or resource (in this case, a file), and carries with it rights or permissions to perform particular actions on that object. For more details, see the Wikipedia article on capability-based security.↩︎

  5. There are two main ways file descriptors can be passed between programs: (1) a child process inherits any un-closed file descriptors from its parent upon a fork(); and (2) file descriptors can be passed using the sendmesg and recvmesg functions to a completely unrelated process.
    Method (2) is a fairly fiddly process – a library, “Ancillary” exists which simplifies it.↩︎