CITS3007 lab 3 (week 5) – Permissions and setuid programs – solutions

It’s recommended you complete this lab in pairs, if possible, and discuss your results with your partner.

1. setuid and Unix permissions

This section and the following ones introduce the Unix access control system. This includes:

(You may want to refer back to this lab worksheet in future labs, when we look at how setuid programs can be exploited.)

The setuid (“set user identity”) facility allows normal, non-root users to run a program as if it were being run by another user. This allows users to do things like change their password. We know that hashes of passwords are stored in the /etc/shadow file,1 which is only readable and writeable by root. (Run ls -al /etc/shadow to see the file’s permissions – what are they?)

A non-root user can run the command passwd to change their password – so how does this work, if that user cannot read or write the /etc/shadow file?

The answer is that passwd is a setuid program, and when a setuid program is run, it assumes the privileges of the owner of the executable file, rather than (as is usually the case) the privileges of the user executing the command. Specifically, since the /usr/bin/passwd executable is owned by root, that means that when a normal user runs that executable, it will run with the root user’s permissions.

Let’s take a look at the permissions of the passwd executable by running the following:

$ ls -al `which passwd`

You should see something like this:

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 68208 Mar 14 16:26 /usr/bin/passwd

The “s” in the first 3 characters of the permissions indicates that this program has the setuid feature enabled.

An example of a non-setuid program, on the other hand, is less (and most other programs you commonly run). We’ll confirm that if we try to use less to read a file that only root can read, it won’t work. Try running the following commands:

$ ls -al /etc/sudoers
$ less /etc/sudoers

The output of the ls command should look something like this:

-r--r----- 1 root root 798 Mar 16 15:22 /etc/sudoers

Like the /etc/shadow file, the /etc/sudoers file contains critical operating system information, and thus can’t be read or written to by most users. (It is a configuration file used by the sudo command, which can be used to temporarily run any command as root.) In fact, as the file permissions show, only the root user can read the file, so when you try to read it with less, you get a permission error.2

How to read the output of the ls command

The man ls documentation unfortunately doesn’t fully explain the listing format used by ls – see the documentation of the GNU coreutils package for a fuller explanation, or this guide for a short tutorial.

In brief: the first group of 10 characters (starting with “-r”) indicates who can access the file, and how they can access it. Every file on a Unix-like system has associated with it a set of flags (binary options), and the last 9 characters in that group show what they are. The meaning of the characters is:

Programs that use features like setuid are essential on Unix systems, but also can be very dangerous: if they are not carefully written, their elevated privileges can have unexpected consequences. For instance, consider a normal program being run by a non-root user. The program might contain a vulnerability which allows that user’s confidential data to be read by a third party. This obviously isn’t ideal, but is at least restricted to the user who invoked the program. If a setuid program contains a similar vulnerability, however, then it could potentially allow all users’ confidential data to be read, because when run the program will have root’s permissions.

1.1. Some setuid programs

Consider the following commands:

What do they do? (Read the man pages for the commands for details.) How can you find out where the executable files for those commands are located? (Hint: check out man which.) List the permissions for the executables using ls -al. What do they have in common? Can you explain, in each case, why those permissions would be needed?

Sample solutions

The commands all have their setuid bit set. This is needed because:


For each of these commands, copy the executable to your working directory using the cp command, and run ls -al on the copy. What permissions does the copy have? Try running the copied sudo and chsh commands (give chsh the password vagrant, and suggest /bin/sh as a new shell). What happens?

You can add the setuid feature to the copied programs by running the command chmod u+s ./SOME_PROGRAM (inserting the name of the copied program as appropriate). However, the programs will still be owned by you – what happens if you try to run them?

Sample solutions

If you copy one of the setuid programs, the copy no longer has its setuid bit set. By default, the cp command assumes we wish to copy the file content, but not file properties like whether the setuid bit is set.3

Even if you do set the setuid bit on the files, using chmod, though – due to the way they have been coded, none of the programs will function properly without both (a) having the setuid bit set, and (b) being owned by root.

This is a safety precaution built into the programs: if the programs detect they are being used in a way that isn’t intended, they abort execution.

1.2 Principle of least privilege

When a program needs to have the setuid feature enabled, it is best practice to use the lowest possible level of elevated privilege, and to use the elevated privilege level for as short a time as possible. Once the privileges have been used for whatever purpose they were needed for, the program should relinquish them – it does so by calling the setuid() function (or one of a number of closely related functions4). You can read about the setuid() function at man 2 setuid – but its use is complicated, and we will elaborate more on it in the next section.

Relinquishing privileges is especially important for long-running processes. For instance, a web server might require higher permissions than normal early in the life of the process (e.g. to read configuration files, or listen for connections on port 80, which normally only root can do) but should drop those permissions once they are no longer needed – otherwise the potential exists for them to be exploited.

Using as few privileges as are needed, for as short a time as is needed, is known as the “Principle of Least Privilege”: read more about it in the Unix Secure Programming HOWTO on minimizing privileges.


Suppose we are creating a set of programs which manipulate a human resources database. The database file is located at /var/hr/hr.db and is owned by root. One of our programs is called hr_db_amend, and is a setuid program also owned by root.

Is this in line with good security practice, as explained in the Unix Secure Programming HOWTO? If not, what should we do instead?

Sample solution

This is not in line with best practice.

Our hr_db_amend program will run as root, when it could be given far fewer privileges, which would lessen the impact if we happen to make a mistake when coding it.

A better approach would be to create a user called hr, and have that user ID own the database file /var/hr/hr.db and the hr_db_amend executable.

We could still make our program setuid; but now it would run as user hr, giving it access to the HR database, but not to important system configuration files like /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.

An example of a Unix program which creates specialized user accounts, just for the purpose of reading or writing files owned by those accounts, is crontab, part of the “cron” software package.

Crontab allows users to create recurring “tasks” which will be run periodically on a Unix system. The files defining these tasks are stored in the directory /var/spool/cron/crontabs. The Crontab program needs to meet the following requirements:

The solution is to make the /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory group-owned by a group called crontab, and for the /usr/bin/crontab program to be a setgid program and be also group-owned by crontab.5 (setgid is like setuid, but it means a program runs with different group permissions, instead of different user permissions.)

By listing the details of /var/spool/cron/crontabs and /usr/bin/crontab, you should be able to confirm that this is the case.

Because of the security vulnerabilities often introduced by setuid and setgid programs, a blog post by Konstantin Ivanov here suggests removing (or partly disabling) many of the less commonly used setuid and setgid programs – they introduce potential vulnerabilities for little advantage.

1.3 Effective versus real user ID

Unix systems keep track of two facts about a running process – the process’s “real user ID” (that is, the user ID of the user who created the process), and its “effective user ID” (which represents the permissions the process is currently acting with, and might be different to the real user ID).

For most programs, the two are exactly the same. For setuid programs, however, the operating system sets the real user ID (abbreviated “rUID”) as per usual, but sets the effective user ID (abbreviated “eUID”) to the owner of the executable file being run. (You might think of the “real” user as being the user who actually invoked the command, and the “effective” user as being the user whose privileges are currently being used.)

The Linux C functions getuid and geteuid are used to determine at runtime what the rUID and eUID are. This is how a program like su can tell whether it is being run as a setuid, root-owned program – it’s eUID should be 0. (Linux also has something called a “saved user ID”, used for the situation where a program mostly needs to run as root, but temporarily needs to run some actions as a non-privileged user. However, we will leave discussion of it until a later lab.)


Compile the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
  uid_t ruid = getuid();
  uid_t euid = geteuid();
  printf("real uid is: %d\n", ruid);
  printf("effective uid is: %d\n", euid);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Compare the results it gives when run with the results it gives after you change its owner to root and make it a setuid program, and make sure you understand why you see the results you do.

1.4 Relinquishing privileges

So, we know that we should use elevated privileges for as short a time as possible, and then relinquish them. How do we do that?

The Linux C function seteuid6 lets us change our eUID; to drop privileges, we just change our eUID so that it’s the same as our rUID.

However, there are some pitfalls to be aware of when relinquishing privileges: read the Software Engineering Institute’s web page on relinquishing permissions for an explanation of some of the issues.

One of the most common pitfalls is not checking the return value from setuid-related functions that can fail. Not checking the return values of functions that can fail is bad practice in any C program, but is even more severe for setuid programs – because if we’re not checking return values, then we don’t know what privileges our program is currently operating with, and could easily do something both dangerous and unintended.


Can the function getuid() fail? What about geteuid()? What about setresuid()?

Sample solutions

The getuid() and geteuid() functions cannot fail, but setresuid() can.

This is documented in the manual pages for those functions.


In our hr_db_amend program described above, we initially run with elevated privileges.

Most users on the system cannot read or write the /var/hr/hr.db file, but because we are running as the hr user, we can.

Our hr_db_amend program contains the following code, executed shortly after the program has started running:

  // open DB file for reading and writing
  fd = open("/var/hr/hr.db", O_RDWR);
  if (fd == -1) {
     printf("Cannot open /var/hr/hr.db\n");

  // now that we have a file descriptor,
  // privileges are no longer needed - relinquish them

  setuid(getuid());  // getuid() returns the real uid

Does this code contain potential security flaws? If so, how could it be changed to remove them?

Sample solution

It does contain security flaws. The setuid function (or seteuid, a variant of it found on many Unix-like operating systems) can fail, and if it fails, then we haven’t successfully relinquished privileges. In case of a failure, we must immediately abort execution – otherwise, we’ll be performing actions which where intended to be performed by a non-privileged user, but will be performing them as root. This is highly prone to being exploited by attackers.

We should check the return value from setuid, and if it is non-zero, we should abort.

(In fact, we should always check the return value from any function call that can fail. All our subsequent code has presumably been written on the assumption that the function call succeeded; if it didn’t, then our assumption is wrong, and we have no idea what the actual current state of the system is.)

We will experiment further with setuid programs, and code for using and relinquishing privileges, in future labs.

2. Moodle exercises

On Moodle, under the section “Week 4 – string handling”, is a set of exercises on using C’s string handling functions to write a safe “path-construction” function.

Complete the exercises, using your development environment to help test your code. If you aren’t able to complete the exercises during your scheduled lab time, you should work through them in your own time.

Sample solution

The following is a sample solution for the would_wrap_around() function:

/** Return true when the sum of dirlen, filelen, extlen and 3
 * would exceed the maximum possible value of a size_t; otherwise,
 * return false.
bool would_wrap_around(size_t dirlen, size_t filelen, size_t extlen) {
  size_t res = dirlen;
  res += filelen;
  if (res < dirlen || res < filelen)
    return true;
  size_t old_res = res;
  res += extlen;
  if (res < old_res || res < extlen)
    return true;
  old_res = res;
  res += 3;
  if (res < old_res || res < extlen)
    return true;
  return false;

Comments on the code:

The following is a sample solution for the make_pathname() function:

char* make_pathname(const char *dir, const char *fname, const char *ext) {
  size_t dirlen = strlen(dir);
  size_t filelen = strlen(fname);
  size_t extlen = strlen(ext);

  if (would_wrap_around(dirlen, filelen, extlen)
    return NULL;

  // include terminating NUL
  size_t pathbuf_size = dirlen + filelen + extlen + 3;

  char *path = malloc (pathbuf_size);
  if (!path)
      return NULL;

  memcpy (path, dir, dirlen);
  path[dirlen] = '/';

  memcpy (path + dirlen + 1, fname, filelen);
  path[dirlen + filelen + 1] = '.';

  memcpy(path + dirlen + filelen + 2, ext, extlen + 1);

  return path;

Some comments on the code:

Calling make_pathname

We could write a main routine which allows us to invoke make_pathname from the command-line, as follows:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // skip program name

  if (argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Expected 3 args\n");

  // See note: poor validation!
  char* dir = argv[0];
  char* fname = argv[1];
  char* ext = argv[2];

  char* path = make_pathname(dir, fname, ext);

  if (path != NULL) {
    printf("path is: '%s'\n", path);
    printf("couldn't allocate enough memory\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Some comments on the code:

An alternative implementation of make_pathname:

char* make_pathname(const char* dir, const char* fname, const char* ext) {
  if (would_wrap_around(dirlen, filelen, extlen)
    return NULL;

  size_t totalLength = strlen(dir) + strlen(fname) + strlen(ext) + 3;
  // +3 for '/', '.', and '\0'

  char* result = malloc(totalLength);
  if (result == NULL)
    return NULL;

  int written = snprintf(result, totalLength, "%s/%s.%s", dir, fname, ext);
  if (written != totalLength - 1) {
    return NULL; // error occurred

  return result;

Comments on this implementation:

3. Challenge question

(Challenge questions in the lab worksheets are aimed at students who already have a good knowledge of C and operating systems – they are not compulsory to complete.)

On Linux, is it possible to write a setuid program in Python? Why or why not? Is it advisable?

Sample solution

In current versions of Linux (since at least kernel version 3.0), it’s not (straightforwardly) possible for a Python program to be setuid. You can try it by writing the following Python program, and making it owned by root, executable, and with its setuid bit enabled:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os

euid = os.geteuid()
print("euid is:", euid)

When run, this script will simply print out your normal user ID, not 0.

Why is this? One reason is that the file is a script, and isn’t being executed in the same way as a binary executable. When asked to execute a program, the kernel inspects the start of a file to determine what sort of program it is being asked to run.7

The first 4 bytes of a binary executable on Linux will be "\0x7fELF", indicating that it’s an ELF-format executable, but scripts will start with the characters "#!", indicating that they are intended to be supplied to an interpreter to be run – in the case of Python scripts, the interpreter will end up being /usr/bin/python3.

So for Python scripts, the machine-code instructions which are loaded into memory and executed by the processor don’t come from the script (they couldn’t – the script contains plain text, not machine code), but from the Python interpreter binary executable at /usr/bin/python3. That file doesn’t have its setuid bit enabled, so it doesn’t run as root. (The script file is just a data file which the Python interpreter opens, reads, and interprets as Python instructions.)

You could deliberately set the Python interpreter to be a setuid program, if you wanted; but that would be very unwise, as now all Python programs would run as root.

Is there any other way one could run a Python script as a setuid program? Yes, there is: you could create a custom interpreter designed to run Python scripts that have their setuid bit enabled. Your interpreter would need to be owned by root and be a setuid program itself, and scripts intended to be run by it would start with #!/path/to/my/custom-interpreter.

The custom interpreter would need to

  1. inspect the script file it is being asked to run, and check whether it has the setuid bit enabled.
  2. if not, then privileges should be dropped; otherwise, use seteuid to assume the privileges of the owner of the script.
  3. use the execve system call (see man execve) to start the normal interpreter (e.g. /usr/bin/python3, for Python scripts) running, with the script supplied to it as an argument.

The custom interpreter would also need to be carefully coded to avoid the possibility of injection attacks and a wide range of other problems. Examples of custom interpreters which aim to do this can be found here and here. (Note: the safety of the code in these custom interpreters has not been vetted – use of it is at your own risk.)

Would a custom interpreter like this be a good idea? It’s doubtful. Programs like the Python interpreter are very large and complex, were not designed with running at elevated privileges in mind, and contain innumerable places in their code where security vulnerabilities could lurk.

Programs written in C have the disadvantage of not being memory-safe;8 but (if crafted carefully) they have the advantage that they can be kept extremely small and simple, with a very limited number of locations which need to be reviewed for security issues.

  1. To be more precise, what’s stored in /etc/shadow is a hashed and salted version of the password.↩︎

  2. If you look at the listing of /etc/sudoers carefully, you may notice not even root has write permissions to write to the /etc/sudoers file! So you might ask: how can can the file ever be modified? The answer is that on Unix systems, whenever the access control system asks “Can user X perform action Y?” – if the user is root, the answer is always “yes”, no matter what the action is.
        In other words, root can basically do anything, no matter what the file permissions say. Try this: create a root-owned file by running sudo touch myfile, then chmod 000 myfile, then ls -al myfile. You should see that no user can read or write myfile.
        But then run the command echo hello | sudo tee -a myfile. (We use tee -a to append text to the file.)
        If you inspect the contents of myfile (e.g. by using sudo less), you’ll see we did successfully append text to it, even though root didn’t have write permissions to the file, and we were able to read from it, even though root didn’t have write permissions. So in that case – why ever set specific permissions for root-owned files at all? The answer is that we could just leave those permissions “blank” if we wanted – it’s just convention to set them up as we do.↩︎

  3. The logic of the cp command (at least, the GNU implementation of the command which we are using – see here for the source code) is not always very intuitive.
        As noted above, by default, cp doesn’t copy file metadata at all. If you add the --preserve flag, it’ll usually copy the file metadata (including the setuid bit) – but if the source file is owned by a different user from you, it won’t copy the setuid bit. (It is possible to persuade the cp command to do so, though it doesn’t seem to be well-documented – as a challenge you might like to find out how.)
        As a result, for purposes like backing up a filesystem, we often instead use programs with better-documented and more intuitive behaviour, like tar and rsync.↩︎

  4. For more information about setuid-related functions, you should read Chen et al, “Setuid demystified” (PDF; 11th USENIX Security Symposium, 2002), which is part of the recommended readings for week 3.
        Chen et al point out that Linux has a whole gamut of setuid-related functions – setuid(), seteuid(), setreuid(), setresuid(), and more – and it’s not obvious which one should be used. The authors point out that one of those functions has much clearer semantics and documentation than the others – read the paper to find out which.↩︎

  5. The version of cron being used in the CITS3007 SDE is called [“Vixie cron”][vixie], and is widely used on Unix systems. The use of setgid isn’t part of the original “Vixie cron” source code, however – it was introduced as an improvement to the original Vixie cron in the Debian distribution of Linux in 2003.↩︎

  6. Or one of the other setuid-related functions, discussed in Chen et al, “Setuid demystified” (PDF; 11th USENIX Security Symposium, 2002).↩︎

  7. This is done by the function search_binary_handler in the kernel. You can find more discussion of the process here, here, here and here.↩︎

  8. A number of systems programming languages have been developed which have better memory safety than C – for instance, Cyclone, ATS, and Rust. As yet, however, none of them have completely supplanted the role of C and C++ in systems programming.
    (If you have an interest in memory-safe systems programming languages, then this blog post by Jonathan Goodwin examining the influence of Cyclone on later languages, including Rust, may be of interest.)↩︎