CITS3007 lab 1 – Development environment

Laptop and SDE requirement

When attending lab classes, you will need access to a laptop from which you can access the CITS3007 standard development environment (SDE), which is based on Ubuntu 20.04, running on version 5.4.0 of the Linux kernel on an x86-64 processor.

The CITS3007 SDE will be used for the unit project, later in semester: all submissions are expected to compile and run correctly in this environment (though you may find it useful to test your code in other environments, as well).

We may also refer to the SDE in tests or quizzes – you might be asked to write code which will compile in this environment, for instance.

In the SDE, you are able to run commands as root (by using the sudo command), and to alter the parameters of the running kernel (using the sysctl command). Being able to run sudo is important for many of the labs, so you’ll want to make sure it functions correctly for you. Being able to run the sysctl command is of lesser importance – you will likely only need to use it if you want to complete the extension tasks for lab 4 (on buffer overflows) and lab 8 (on race conditions).

The preferred way of accessing the SDE is by running VirtualBox and Vagrant on your laptop, as outlined in this lab sheet. (Vagrant is widely used in industry to provide sandard development environments.) However, if you run into difficulties, there are a few other options, outlined below.

Note that UWA provides financial support via the “SOS IT Equipment Scheme” to students who are unable to purchase a laptop due to financial hardship.

1. Setting up the C development environment

To access the CITS3007 standard development environment, the preferred option is:

Use Virtualbox and Vagrant

Install two open source tools (VirtualBox and Vagrant) on your Windows or Linux laptop. See VirtualBox and Vagrant, below.

You will need about 15 GB of disk space and a minimum of 4 GB of RAM on your laptop. (Note that 4 GB of RAM is likely to result in your VM running very slowly – 8 GB or more is preferable.)

However, VirtualBox is not available for M-series (Apple Silicon) mac laptops – in that case, you might like to try:

Use UTM for Mac

This involves installing UTM, virtualization software for the macOS operating system. See Using UTM on M-series Mac laptops. As explained on that page, you’ll need to pick one or more Linux virtual machine images. If compiling code for the project or the lab 4 and 8 extension tasks, you’ll need to make sure you are using an appropriate virtual machine.

In general, the facilitators and unit coordinator won’t be able to assist you if you run into problems using UTM, but you should feel free to post on the Help3007 discussion forum, as other students using Macs may be able to assist.

Virtualbox also may not function properly on Windows laptops where you are already using the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL).

In that case, you might wish to:

Use Ubuntu 20.04 from WSL on Windows

In this case, we assume you are already familiar with how to install and access Ubuntu distributions using the WSL.

In general, the facilitators and unit coordinator won’t be able to assist you if you run into problems using the WSL, but you can find general instructions on using it here.

If you use the WSL, you will be able to run commands as root using sudo, but may not be able to alter kernel parameters using sysctl.

If none of the above options work for you, a remaining option is:

Access the SDE using GitPod

GitPod provides web-based access to development environments hosted in the cloud, and provides a quota of free hours each month (which most students will probably not exceed).

We provide instructions on how to use GitPod here.

If using GitPod, you will be able to run commands as root using sudo, but won’t be able to alter kernel parameters using sysctl.

VirtualBox and Vagrant

What are VirtualBox and Vagrant?

VirtualBox is a type of virtualization software which allows you to run other operating systems on your computer – even operating systems designed for completely different hardware (such as mobile phones, for instance). It allows precise control of what OS kernel is run. (Other technologies for running Linux do exist – for instance, Docker and Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL – but they do not allow the precise control over kernel version that VirtualBox does.)

Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual environments. It can manage environments created using VirtualBox, Docker, VMWare, WSL, and many more. It handles tasks such as

It’s widely used in industry to provide developers with a Standard Development Environment (SDE) for their team or organization, so it’s hoped that experience with Vagrant will prove useful beyond your university studies.

Since the purpose of Vagrant is to manage VMs on a computer, vagrant commands need to be run from the host computer (for instance, your laptop), not from within a VM.

To install VirtualBox and Vagrant:

  1. Visit, download the appropriate VirtualBox package for your platform (Windows, MacOS or Linux), and install it.

    Note, if you are using a Mac: VirtualBox is only available for Macs using x86-64 processors. If you are using a more recent M-series (Apple Silicon) Mac, then it uses an ARM64 processor, and you should be using UTM, as described previously. If you don’t know which yours is: you can go to the ‘Apple’ at the top left of your screen and select ‘About this Mac’, and it will show whether your cpu is Apple silicon (ARM, M1 or M2) or x86/Intel.

  2. Visit, download the appropriate Vagrant package for your platform, and install it.

  3. Check that Vagrant has been successfully installed.

    On Windows, open a “Command Prompt” window. On MacOS or Linux, open a terminal window.

    Then type vagrant --version; Vagrant should display

    Vagrant 2.3.7

    (Or something similar – any version from 2.2.0 onwards should be fine.)

  4. Test a small virtual machine (VM) image.

    On your host machine (i.e. your laptop), create a new directory (called e.g. vagrant-test), open a terminal window and cd into the directory. (The cd command works on Linux, Mac and Windows.)

    Type vagrant init generic/alpine316, then vagrant up --provider=virtualbox. Vagrant should take about a minute to download a virtual machine containing Alpine Linux and configure it for use.

    If you type vagrant ssh, Vagrant will connect to the new virtual machine using ssh and present you with a shell prompt:

    $ vagrant ssh

    Note that the command-line prompt has now changed from the usual terminal prompt you see. The prompt alpine316:~$ indicates that you’re running commands in an Alpine Linux VM. To be able to run commands from your host machine again, you need to exit from your SSH session to the VM. (Or alternatively, of course, you can simply open a new terminal window.)

    You can exit your current SSH session by typing exit or hitting ctrl-D.

    (It’s not strictly necessary, but it’s good practice to also halt VMs when you’re not using them – you can do so by issuing the command vagrant halt after you’ve exited the SSH session.)

    Troubleshooting on Linux

    Note that on Linux, if you happen to already have libvirt installed: libvirt and VirtualBox can’t both run at the same time. Ensure that libvirt isn’t running by typing sudo systemctl stop libvirtd.

  5. Download a VM containing the standard CITS3007 development environment. Note that this will likely take around 5–10 minutes, so once you’ve started the process, move onto the next exercise.

    On your host machine (i.e. your laptop), create a new directory (called e.g. cits3007-test), open a terminal window and cd into the directory.

    Type vagrant init arranstewart/cits3007-ubuntu2004, then vagrant up --provider=virtualbox. Vagrant should take around 5–10 minutes to download a virtual machine and configure it for use. The output from Vagrant should look something like the following:

    Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
    ==> default: Importing base box 'arranstewart/cits3007-ubuntu2004'...
    ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
    ==> default: Checking if box 'arranstewart/cits3007-ubuntu2004' version '0.1.2' is up to date...
    ==> default: Setting the name of the VM: xxx-cits3007-test_1658816964468_16898
    ==> default: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
    ==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.
    ==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
    ==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
        default: Adapter 1: nat
    ==> default: Forwarding ports...
        default: 22 (guest) => 2200 (host) (adapter 1)
    ==> default: Booting VM...
    ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
        default: SSH address:
        default: SSH username: vagrant
        default: SSH auth method: private key
        default: Warning: Connection reset. Retrying...
        default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
        default: Warning: Connection reset. Retrying...
        default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
        default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
        default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
        default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
        default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
    ==> default: Machine booted and ready!
    ==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    ==> default: Setting hostname...

    Once it’s done, you can type vagrant ssh to get shell access to the new VM:

    $ vagrant ssh

    Note that again, your terminal prompt has changed – it sould look like this:


    (usually in bright green). The prompt indicates the name of the current user (“vagrant”)1, and the hostname for the machine you are connected to (“cits3007-ubuntu2004”).

    If you want to issue commands on your host machine again (that is, on your laptop), you’ll need to either

    In particular, trying to run Vagrant commands from within your VM will not work, since Vagrant has not been installed within the VM.

  6. Optional: install VS Code and the “Remote-SSH” extension.

    The standard CITS3007 development environment VM comes with the vim editor already installed, and for some tasks we do, it will be necessary to use vim or another terminal-based editor.

    However, if you already have VS Code installed and are familiar with it, we provide instructions on how to configure it for use with a Vagrant box here.

Vagrant cheat sheet

You can find a useful “cheat sheet” of commands for managing Vagrant VMs here:

2. Concept review questions

If possible, it’s recommended you work on this section in pairs or small groups and compare answers.

2.1. Definitions

For each of the following concepts, review the definition given in the lecture slides, and explain it in your own words. If you can, give an example, based on your own experience or from recent news reports:

  1. threat
  2. vulnerability
  3. confidentiality
  4. integrity
  5. availability

2.2. Concepts

  1. How would you describe the relationship between threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks? Give examples to illustrate the relationship.

  2. Is it possible for a threat and a vulnerability to both exist, without there being an attack? Explain why or why not.

  3. Consider an ATM, which requires users to provide a bank card and a PIN in order to perform transactions. Give examples of confidentiality, integrity and availability requirements associated with the system. How important do you think each requirement is – are they all equally important, or does the importance differ?

3. AusCERT security bulletins

It’s recommended you complete this exercise in pairs or small groups. Security Bulletins are sometimes not easy to understand, at first glance, but by sharing ideas and comparing your understanding with other students, you should be able to complete the questions in this section.

AusCERT is a non-profit organisation that provides advice on cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. Some of its information is publicly available, and some is provided only to members.

Visit its website at, and from the “Resources” tab, select “Security Bulletins”. (The direct link is

Take a look at several, and try searching for ASB-2022.0077 and ESB-2022.3655. All bulletins have the following features:

Now, find the ESB-2022.1671 bulletin and read through it, and refer to the NIST page on severity ratings at Then answer the following questions:

  1. The bulletin is for a patch which fixes a vulnerability. What is the vulnerability (give a CVE identifier and a description)? In what product does it occur?

  2. How severe is the vulnerability? If a vulnerability is severe, does that necessarily mean it is easy to exploit, and/or has a high probability of being exploited?

Locate the CVE information page on for this vulnerability, and follow the links there to find out more about it. Google for the definitions of any terms you do not know – Wikipedia has good summaries of most terms. Answer the following questions:

  1. How could an attacker exploit this vulnerability? Describe a scenario in which this could occur.

  2. Of the “C I A” security goals – which ones could be compromised if this vulnerability were exploited?

4. C development

C language familiarity

Ideally, you should be doing this unit in your 3rd year, and have familiarity with the C programming language.

You need to either

Note that YouTube tutorials will not be sufficient as a C reference for this unit – you will need a textbook (or to make use of the site). The lab facilitators will not be able to assist you if you are using video tutorials instead of a C language reference.

If you are still in the process of purchasing a textbook, the following sites may provide a helpful refresher:

4.1. C questions

  1. What is the difference between the C literal values 3, '3', "3" and 3.0? What is the type of each?

  2. Consider the following C code:

    const char * str = "test";
    char c = str[0];
    if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) {
    } else if (c >= 97 && c <=122) {
    } else {

    If this code is executed, what will be printed to the terminal?

  3. What is the output of the question (b) code if we change the string "test" to "TEST"?

  4. What is the output of the question (b) code if we change the string "test" to "???"?

Building and modifying C programs

  1. Download the file from the “Labs” section of the CITS3007 Resources page.

    The best way to do so is from within your CITS3007 development environment (i.e. from within the virtual machine).

    You can do so by running

    $ wget
  2. Unzip the zip file into a directory of your choosing, using the unzip command. (See man unzip if you need details of how to use the unzip command.)

  3. Build the test_leap program by typing make, then try running it with various different command-line arguments:

    $ ./test_leap 1901
    $ ./test_leap 1900
    $ ./test_leap 2000
    $ ./test_leap -1
    $ ./test_leap -0
    $ ./test_leap 9223372036854775807
    $ ./test_leap 9223372036854775808
    $ ./test_leap foo
    $ ./test_leap foo bar

    What results do you get? Take a look at the code in test_leap.c, read the documentation for the strtol function (by running man strtol), and explain what is happening in each case.

  4. The code in test_leap.c contains an error. The correct algorithm for determining whether a year is a leap year is outlined at, but the code in test_leap.c incorrectly reports that (for instance) 1900 is a leap year, when it is not. (Can you spot any other errors? Feel free to post in the Help3007 forum if you can.)

    Fix the code in test_leap.c and test your changes by trying the values from step 3 again.

    Compare your changes with another student’s – are there any differences between how you fixed the program?

5. Moodle signup and/or login

For upcoming quizzes and tests, we’ll be using the CSSE Moodle server, available at

There is currently one Moodle quiz available – it is not assessed, but you should attempt it, as the material covered is examinable later. You can use that quiz to revise or refresh your knowledge of C.

Visit and sign up with your UWA email address, then attempt the quiz in your own time, if you don’t finish it in the lab.

  1. Conventionally, all Vagrant VMs have a user account named “vagrant” on them, with the password for the account also set to “vagrant”. This makes it very easy to log into them. Normally, using a well-known, easy-to-guess, hard-coded user ID and password would be a poor security practice.
      But in this case: the VM is only being used for development purposes, rather than deployed in production; it should only be possible to connect to the VM from your local computer; and the VM is unlikely to contain any confidential data of yours. This being so, the use of default credentials is usually an acceptable risk.↩︎